Teaching and Learning
Northfield Primary School is at the leading edge of educational practice. The latest thinking in education is being used to explore and develop models of best practice in student learning. Teachers develop differentiated programs to meet the needs of our students, supported by a strong team of Student Support Officers.
Intervention practices operate under the principles of responsiveness, timeliness, evidence based and outcome driven. We have a strong intervention team consisting of Occupational Therapists, Speech Pathologists, Psychologists and a visiting Doctor twice a term. This team is led by our Assistant Principal. Families who access Allied Services can also access them from school.
The school follows the Australian Curriculum with a significant emphasis on English and Mathematics. We aim to develop students’ meta cognition/meta-language to promote independent, critical learners.
We teach three specialist areas: Science, Physical Education and Performing Arts. Our specialist teachers are highly dedicated and provide rigorous programs within outstanding facilities.
We teach executive function and use a combination of explicit instruction and inquiry approaches to maximise learning for every student. Our Peace Code messages are explicitly taught and modelled by our whole community.
A detailed description of our curriculum is available by accessing the Department for Education website.