Physical Education
Northfield Primary School has amazing facilities which are utilised throughout the year. We employ a Physical Education specialist teacher and have a mix of highly competitive and less competitive sporting opportunities.
All of our sporting activities encourage an appreciation of physical activity, to develop a further understanding of team building and team play, to gain an insight into the role that competitive and participatory sport plays in Australian society and to engage socially with others outside the normal school environment.
Our program includes SAPSASA events, internal school sports, Interschool Carnivals and a Sports Day that is another whole school event. We have after and before school activities throughout the year including swim club in terms 1 and 4.
Northfield students are encouraged to pursue opportunities to represent the local district in a variety of sports. Typically we have a number of students selected in district soccer.
Our facilities are outstanding:
- Gymnasium
- Swimming pool
- Large oval including long jump pit
- Basketball & netball courts
- Nature play
- Sandpits
- A variety of playgrounds
You will see all of these amazing facilities utilised by students at recess and lunch. There are a number of sporting activities available at Northfield Primary School:
- Swimming
- Athletics
- Cross-country
- Soccer
- Netball
- Basketball
- Volleyball
- Badminton
- Gymnastics
- Cricket
- Football
- Beach volleyball
We are proud to say there is something for everyone.